0nline Buskers
Where did all the buskers and street musicians, dreaming about being discovered while performing publicly, go? TIKTOK – duh! 0nline Buskers is a once-a-month music magazine roaming the depths of the internet looking for new up-and-coming viral sensations. It also emerges as a guide navigating the netizen through the forever shifting currents of the digital music scene and online virality. As we all know, a fifteen-second TikTok clip can transform any unknown performer into an over-night super star – and 0nline buskers keeps you up to date! This magazine was printed by Newspaper Club and produced using InDesign and Photoshop (and a lot of Tik-Tok scrolling).
Collaboration with Sanna Holm
Supervisor: Stefania Malmsten
Course: Editorial Design (Redaktionell Design)